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Juniewicz urodzony 13 marca 1972 roku w Sopocie od niedzieli
08.10.2006 uznany jest za zaginionego. Tego dnia, o godz. 17:30 był
na klifie u wybrzeża Atlantyku w zachodniej Irlandii. Przyszła wielka
fala i zabrała go do oceanu. Mimo natychmiastowej akcji ratunkowej nie
udało się go na razie odnaleźć. Wierzymy, że się odnajdzie i dlatego
piszemy o nim w czasie teraźniejszym.
Adam jest człowiekiem czynów, wielkich pasji i marzeń. W swoim
życiu zdążył być podróżnikiem, przyrodnikiem, muzykiem (występował z
TEATREM ZNAK, TEATREM DADA VON BZDULOV i innymi), tricksterem, humorystą,
człowiekiem LASU i OGNIA, alpinistą, myślicielem, przewodnikiem po tajemnicach
Natury i nauczycielem dzieci, ratownikiem pływackim i instruktorem jazdy
na nartach, właścicielem firmy NATURA, posiadaczem tatuażu z wizerunkiem
drzewa, "robolem albo fizolem" jak sam siebie nazywał, ojcem
Jasia i mężem Ani, naszym cholernie bliskim przyjacielem, bratem, który
jest nami i w nas.
Jego pasją jest las, godzinami może opowiadać o szyszkach, drzewach;
w lesie czuje się najlepiej - często odbywaliśmy wspólne nocne wyprawy
a Adam rozpalał swoje filigranowe ogniska z trzech
patyczków. Pasją jego jest muzyka, to czołowy bębniarz naszego pokolenia.
Jego największą miłością jest jego mały syn Jaś.
Adam zawsze imponuje zdrowym dystansem do świata. Zawsze
zdobywa ludzi swoją otwartością i spontanicznością - z każdą spotkaną
osobą nawiązuje bezpośredni, partnerski kontakt. Nie boi się mówić kocham
i kocha bezwarunkowo całym sobą.
Żyje pełnią życia. Śmierć ma za nic.
Adama i Jasia Juniewiczów
z lipca/sierpnia 2006
Adama i Aleksandra (Taty) Juniewiczów
z maja 2000. Pochodzą z filmu zrealizowanego przez
Adama na VHS.
zdjęcia z miejsca tego tragicznego zdarzenia zrobione przez Tatę
i Stryja Adama w dniach 12-14.10.2006.
w tej kipieli zniknął Adaś
garść informacji zabranych z internetu na temat tego tragicznego zdarzenia.
Koncert w intencji Adama Juniewicza
2006-10-17, ostatnia aktualizacja 2006-10-17 17:53
wielu trójmiejskich zespołów Adam Juniewicz 8 października zginął tragicznie
w Irlandii. W czwartek w jego intencji odbędzie się koncert w Mandarynce
Adam Juniewicz od roku pracował w Irlandii. - Wybrał się z grupą przyjaciół
na spacer po klifie u wybrzeża Atlantyku w zachodniej Irlandii, zszedł
na położoną trochę niżej skałkę i nagle porwała go wielka, 3-metrowa
fala - opowiada jego wieloletni przyjaciel, muzyk Grzegorz Welizarowicz.
- Wyłonił się potem na chwilę i znajomi widzieli go, jak trzymał się
skały, ale po kolejnej fali już się nie pojawił. W Irlandii o tym wypadku
pisały m.in. "Irish Independent" czy "Breaking News".
Do akcji ratunkowej niedaleko Brandon Creek na półwyspie Dingle zaangażowano
helikopter, łodzie i płetwonurków, niestety nie znaleziono go.34-letni
Adam Juniewicz z Sopotu grał na bębnach w zespołach Mordy, Chlupot Mózgu,
Ikenga Drummers, Biafro, Dreadless oraz do przedstawień teatru Znak
i Dada Von Bzdülöv. - Jego wielką pasją była także natura, przyroda,
był człowiekiem ognia i lasu, godzinami mógł opowiadać o szyszkach,
drzewach; w lesie czuł się najlepiej - mówi Welizarowicz. Był także
ratownikiem pływackim, alpinistą, w Irlandii pracował na wysokościach.
Zostawił małego syna Jasia. Dla muzyka w czwartek wystąpi grupa, z którą
często koncertował Biafro. - Na koncercie zagrają także akustycznie
Jacek Kulesza i Grzegorz Nawrocki. Chcemy też zorganizować zbiórkę pieniędzy
dla jego syna - wyjaśnia Welizarowicz.
Katarzyna Moritz
Sopot, ul. Bema 6. Czwartek, 19 października, godz. 21. Wstęp wolny.
koleżanka Magdalena Sandecka przebywająca w Irlandii otrzymała z RadioKerry w Irlandii takiego maila.13-10-2006
o godz. 18:04 Radio Kerry News & Current Affairs <news@radiokerry.ie>
Dear Magdelena,
Here is the latest news we have regarding Adam:
Two warning signs are to be erected at the site where Polish man Adam
Juneiwicz was swept into the sea east of Brandon Creek last Sunday. A plaque in memory of Adam is to be erected at the site, during a mass
Over the past two decades, five people have been lost in the same area.
The search for the 34 year old who had lived and worked in the Dingle
continues today with the assistance of Navy divers.
Adam's father and uncle who are both master mariners have travelled
Poland to help in the search.
The mass takes place this evening at 6pm. (Irish time.)
His boss Mike O'Shea spoke on Radio Kerry and paid tribute to Adam and
about what a special person he is.
If I can be of anymore help, you can email me tmurphy@radiokerry.ie,
On behalf of Radio Kerry, I want to say how much sympathy we have for
and all of Adam's friends.
It must be a terrible time.
Yours faithfully,
Treasa Murphy.
Polish man swept off rocks
Thu, Oct 12 06
MAIN AND BELOW: The Dingle-based Irish Coast Guard inshore rescue
crew search the waters off Brandon Creek for Polish national Adam Juniewicz
who was swept into the sea on Sunday afternoon.
Photos by Ted Creedon
watched in horror as powerful waves swept a man to his death from rocks
at the base of a cliff in West Kerry on Sunday.A
sea and cliff search is now continuing for Polish national Adam Juniewicz
(34) who was sightseeing near Brandon Creek with five other Polish nationals,
three men and two women, when tragedy struck.
to Dingle gardaí, Mr Juniewicz climbed down to a rock at the lowest
point of the cliff where he was engulfed by a wave. The man was a strong
swimmer but was swept away in a matter of seconds as his companions
watched in horror.Local
resident Philip McGoldrick met with members of the group who ran from
the scene to raise the alarm. "They were very distressed. They
said they tried to reach their friend but could not. I contacted Valentia
Radio and the gardaí," he told The Kerryman.
incident happened at around 2.30pm on Sunday and the Irish Coast Guard
rescue centre at Valentia ordered a full alert. By 3.30pm, the Coast
Guard rescue helicopter from Shannon was at the scene along with Fenit
lifeboat and the Dingle Coast Guard unit.Other
members of the local unit, and some volunteers, scanned the turbulent
waters from the clifftop with powerful binoculars. Rescuers knew from
the outset that they were on a recovery rather than a rescue mission
because of the treacherous location.
similar incident occurred at the same place three years ago when an
angler was swept into the sea while fishing from the base of the cliff.
His body was never recovered.
missing Polish mans companions accompanied gardaí back to Dingle where
the process of informing his family began.Mr
Juniewicz, with an address at Milltown, Dingle, had been working for
a local company, Irish Rope Access, for the past year. He was married
with one child but his family are not resident in Ireland.
Rope Access is owned by Mike OShea who is a long-serving member of
the Dingle Coast Guard crew who was also involved in the search.
rescue services continued to search the area until nightfall and resumed
the search early on Monday. They were joined by many local volunteers
including members of the local Polish community. On Tuesday, the search
was extended to cover the coast from Smerwick Harbour to the Maharees.
doing a search of the entire Smerwick harbour area and we have teams
in the Cloghane-Brandon area as well as the Maharees. We also have spotters
along the clifftops around Brandon Creek. Well search these areas at
high and low tides today. Conditions are fairly good but the forecast
for Wednesday is not promising, Dingle Coast Guard area officer Frank
Heidtke said on Tuesday afternoon.
continues for missing Polish man
Tuesday 10th of October 2006 03:56 pm
One unit of Dingle Coastguard Unit and members of the public are continuing
to search for the Polish man who has been missing since Sunday afternoon.
34 year old Adam Juniewicz, a married man was swept off the rocks by
a large wave east of Brandon Creek when its understood he was posing
for a photograph. Valentia Coastguard says conditions today are too
dangerous for divers with swells of between two and four metres.
helicopter will be dispatched later today at low tide to cover a larger
overview. Many people taking part in the search for Mr Juniewicz are
Polish people working in Kerry and they are searching along cliff tops
and the coast. Locals say the area is known to be dangerous and two
men who had previously been swept off the rocks there by waves had never
been found. The 34 year old who had been working with Irish Rope Access
in Dingle, was with a group of friends when the tragedy occurred.
underway after man falls from Dingle cliff
16:42 Sunday October 8th 2006
search is underway off the coast of County Kerry after a man fell from
a cliff close to the town of Dingle this afternoon.
The man was swept out to sea at Brandon Creek just before 3pm.
A lifeboat, coastgaurd helicopter and local rescue units are involved
in the search operation.
underway after man falls from Dingle cliff
08/10/2006 - 16:48:31
search is underway off the coast of Co Kerry after a man fell from a
cliff close to the town of Dingle this afternoon.
man was swept out to sea at Brandon Creek just before 3pm.
lifeboat, coastgaurd helicopter and local rescue units are involved
in the search operation.
Search resumes for Polish man missing
off Kerry coast
09/10/2006 - 07:33:21
Rescuers in Co Kerry have resumed their search for a Polish
man who fell from a cliff on the Dingle peninsula yesterday afternoon. The man was swept out to sea just before 3pm in the Brandon Creek area. The
Dingle lifeboat, local rescue units and the coastguard helicopter are
all involved in the search, which failed to locate the man before darkness
set in last night.
conditions hamper search operation for missing Polish man
Wednesday 11th of October 2006 03:50 pm
Weather conditions are continuing to hamper the search
operation for the 34 year old Polish man missing off the Dingle Peninsula.
Dingle Coastguards, Fenit Lifeboat, the helicopter from Shannon, the
Gardai and many locals including members of the polish community are
helping in the search. A meeting will be held at mid day today before
the search commences to ascertain conditions.
could not work yesterday because of heavy seas and swells of between
two and four metres. A spokesperson says the swell is throwing up a
lot of foam, making anything at the base of the cliffs difficult to
see. The missing man has been named as 34-year-old Adam Juniewicz, a
married man, who has worked in the Dingle area for over 12 months with
Irish Rope Access
Man swept out to sea by wave still not
Issue Date Tue, Oct 10 06
The Polish man who was swept out to sea off rocks near
Brandon Creek on the Dingle peninsula worked for a local company specialising
in rope access and safety consultancy.
missing man was named as 34-year-old Adam Juniewicz, a married man,
who has worked in the Dingle area for over 12 months with Irish Rope
Access. Work colleagues yesterday joined gardai, the Dingle Coastguard,
the Fenit Lifeboat and the Shannon Rescue Helicopter in searching for
Mr Juniewicz.
search began after the alarm was raised at 2.30pm. He was walking with
a small group along the 100ft cliffs in the An Cuas area, east of Brandon
Creek, on the northern side of the Dingle peninsula..
is understood he had climbed down onto rocks underneath the cliff top
when a high wave suddenly swept over him. A strong swimmer, Mr Juniewicz
managed to return to the shore but was again swept out to sea.Anne
to be held for Polish man at place where he fell
12th of October 2006 04:52 pm
A mass is to be held for the missing Polish man at the place where he
Adam Juneiwicz father has travelled from Sopot in Poland to Ireland
to help in the search for his son.
34 year old Mr. Juniewicz, a married man was swept off the rocks by
a large wave east of Brandon Creek when its understood he was posing
for a photograph.
Valentia Coastguard said during the week that conditions were too dangerous
for divers to enter the water, with swells of between two and four metres.
The local coastguard has continued to search the Peninsula and Shannon
helicopter has travelled at low tide to cover a larger over view.
Many people taking part in the seach for Mr Juniewicz are Polish people
working in Kerry, including his father who travelled from Poland.
Locals say the area is known to be dangerous and two men who had previously
been swept off the rocks there by waves had never been found.
The 34 year old who had been working with Irish Rope Access in Dingle,
was with a group of friends when the tragedy occured.
A mass will be held at Brandon creek at 6pm tomorrow evening.
Search for missing Polish man in Dingle is upscaled
12th of October 2006 04:50 pm
The search for a missing Polish man who was swept to sea from rocks
on the Dingle Peninsula on Sunday afternoon is being up scaled today.
Following a meeting between search and rescue teams earlier it was decided
volunteers are to concentrate their search on the Brandon Creek area
this evening because of the low tides.
It's also expected that a large scale search of the area will be mounted
on Saturday afternoon when more volunteers will be available to part-take.
zamieszczamy pełną wersję wywiadu
Tomasza Rozwadowskiego z Gregiem Welizarowiczem,
który ukazał się 28.03.2006 w
Dzienniku Bałtyckim.
Najnowsze video clipy MORD w reżyserii Anny Steller:
można obejrzeć na stronie Galerii (Klipy)
oraz na stronie:
"Canto de Cao"
można obejrzeć na stronie Galerii (Klipy)
oraz na stronie:
Video z koncertu
Zobacz pierwszy koncert w składzie
Bartkiem Adamczakiem, Gregiem i Marcinem Zabrockim
w środę 31 stycznia 2007 o godz. 20:00
w gdyńskim UCHU.
mMateriał zobacz pod adresami:
sierpnia 2006 zmarł nagle Joseph
Hill, leader zespołu Culture.
Ponieważ jestem wielkim fanem Culture nie mogę nie pożegnać Cię Joseph.
Odpoczywaj w Pokoju!
Jesteś Wielki!